What is the purpose of the Jonesboro land bank and the Jonesboro Land Bank Commission?

The purpose of the Commission is to reverse urban blight, increase homeownership and the stability of property values, provide affordable housing, improve the health and safety of neighborhoods within the City of Jonesboro, and maintain the architectural fabric of the community.

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1. What is a land bank?
2. What is the purpose of the Jonesboro land bank and the Jonesboro Land Bank Commission?
3. How many land banks are operating throughout the country?
4. What policies govern the acquisition of properties into the land bank inventory?
5. What are the priorities concerning the disposition of properties from the land bank inventory?
6. Priorities as to who purchases property from the land bank:
7. How does the land bank acquire property for the land bank inventory?
8. Can I attend Commission meetings?
9. Who are the current land bank commissioners?