
incineratorThe City of Jonesboro operates an incinerator to help dispose of yard waste and tree limbs. 

Located at 2650 Lacy Drive, any resident of Jonesboro can dispose of yard waste or other plant-related, ’green’ waste at the incinerator for no charge. You must have a driver’s license and proof of residency, such as a utility bill.

County residents and commercial businesses, like lawn care, tree management, or landscaping services, will be charged a fee to dispose of green waste at the incinerator.

Good things to remember

  • You will be required to unload your vehicle. City staff will not unload items for you at the incinerator
  • The City is not responsible for accidents or injury while you on the incinerator site
  • If you have any other questions, please call 870-932-7520



-Yard waste
-Tree limbs smaller than 12" across and 10’ long
-Plant-related, ’green’ material



          -Tree trunks
          -Lumber or construction waste