JET ADA Reasonable Modification Policy

JET values all their customers and will strive to ensure their needs are considered when developing fixed route bus services and stops, passenger amenities, and when procuring vehicles and equipment. JET's customers who utilize their ADA complementary paratransit service are provided with door to door service vs curb to curb to better serve their needs. As part of this commitment, JET has updated their ADA Policy & Procedures regarding Requests for Reasonable Modification by Persons with a Disability.


To ensure that programs and services are accessible to customers with a disability, an individual may request that a modification to JET's public transit services be made to allow them to access and utilize the services.

There are no restrictions on when a customer can request a reasonable modification although JET supports and encourages customers to place a written request as soon as possible.


Reasonable modification requests to JET Staff must consider any and all requests for reasonable modifications but shall take into account the following exceptions: Reasonable modifications –

  • Will not place an undue financial and/or administrative burden on JET;
  • Will not constitute a fundamental alteration of JET's current transportation services, programs or activities;
  • Cannot cause a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
  • Cannot adversely affect the service provided to other JET customers;
  • Cannot jeopardize the functionality or use of equipment used to provide JET's transit services; and
  • May not be approved if the individual with a disability is still able to fully use JET's services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose without the requested modification.


Whenever feasible, requests for modifications should be made in advance. This is particularly appropriate where a permanent or long-term condition, or barrier, is the basis for the request. In the ADA paratransit context, requests can be made in conjunction with JET's ADA complementary paratransit eligibility process.

JET's process for public submittals of requests for reasonable modifications is as follows:

  1. Requests should be as specific as possible and include information on why the requested modification is needed to allow the individual to use JET's services.
  2. Requests should be made in writing or by email, but JET will accept a request by phone if needed. Requests should be emailed to JET's Transit Director, P.O. Box 1845, Jonesboro, AR, 72403.
  3. If a phone request is made and JET's Director is unavailable, the request will be directed to a designee. Phone requests must be made during normal business days and hours of operations of JET's administrative offices (currently Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
  4. If JET's administrative offices are closed for any reason during normal business days and hours and a reasonable modification request is needed, the requestor may leave a voicemail on JET's main phone line at 870-935-5387 and a designee will get back with the requestor the same day as the call is made.
  5. "On-the-spot" requests will be accepted for circumstances that may arise while utilizing JET's transportation services by making a request to the driver. Such requests should be made as soon as the circumstance is made known to the requestor. The driver will then request approval from JET's Dispatch to accept the reasonable modification.

All requests/documentation shall be maintained in a designated file at JET's administrative offices for a minimum of three (3) years from date of request.


If a request for reasonable modification is denied, the requester has the right to appeal the decision by following JET's ADA appeal process. Copies of this process are available upon request. Also, a copy of the ADA appeal process will be included with the written decision of denial. JET will take, to the maximum extent possible, any other actions that may be available to them to ensure that the individual with a disability receives the services or benefits provided by JET that would not result in a direct threat or fundamental alteration of service.


JET can refuse to provide service to an individual with disabilities if that individual engages in violent, seriously disruptive, or illegal conduct, or represents a direct threat to the health or safety of others. However, JET will not refuse to provide service to an individual with a disability solely because the individual's disability results in an appearance or behavior that may offend, annoy, or inconvenience JET staff/employees or other persons.

The reasonable modification process and use information will be made readily available to the public. ADA-accessible formats will be provided upon request.